Fax over VoIP – FreePBX

Fax Over VoIP

I have until now been using VoIP for some time and have been looking for a solid faxing solution which would compliment that, and the idea of putting Fax over VoIP seemed alien some how.

I know that faxing is an old technology, but I do still deal with some companies who offer it, so I’m still looking, while I try to perfect Fax over VoIP.

I’ve also recently noticed that my VoIP server was out of date but chose to do a full wipe and reinstall so that I could also update the underlying Asterisk from v1.6 to v10 which provides a lot more features including integration of inbound fax and Google Voice.  For the rebuild I used the FreePBX Distro and installed FreePBX 2.10 with it and so far I’m really impressed.

With the new automations included, it means that a lot of things I had to manually make work before are now working out of the box, such as my CDR (records the call logs) and inbound faxing.

So I configured a few small settings and now when someone calls my main number, it goes through a SIP based fax detection and if that picks up that the call coming in is a fax (and so far it has) then it receives the fax as a TIFF file and then Emails it to the Email I configured to receive faxes in my extension for my house cordless.TIFF

With the inbound faxing covered, I am now on the hunt for an outbound faxing solution.  If anyone knows a good one please feel free to let me know, otherwise I’ll update again once I’ve found something.